PhD in Natural Sciences: Biology

PhD studies in the area of Biology at LSU started in 1993. In the period of 1993 – 2020, 88 doctors of science were trained. In 2011, joint Doctoral Studies in Biology at Lithuanian Sports University, with the participation of the University of Tartu (Estonia) were launched. Doctoral Studies in Biology at Lithuanian Sports University, with the participation of the University of Tartu (Estonia)  consolidated research in the area of Biology, and they ensure more integrated and substantial investigations of scientific problems in biology.

Research of doctoral students in Biological Sciences involves many branches of biology: Physiology / Biomechanics / Bioinformatics / Histology / Genetics / Animal anatomy and morphology / Animal physiology / Endocrinology / Immunology / General pathology / Gerontology / Biochemistry / Neurology / Anatomy / morphology / Epidemiology / Molecular biophysics.

The duration of doctoral studies is 4 years.

Admission Procedures 2024

Admission rules 2024
Application form
CV (Personal and professional activities)
Essay requirements
Physiology examination

Tel. +370 690 09866

State-funded Biology Topics 2024 (Occupied)

Supervisor Topic
Prof. dr. Marius Brazaitis Enhancing Cognitive Efficiency and Mental Fatigue Resistance during Pre-Retirement Years: A  Study of Physical Interventions in Lithuania
Prof. dr. Sigitas Kamandulis Managing fatigue during intensified training and tapering in highly trained youth and adult athletes
Prof. dr. Nerijus Masiulis The effect of resistance training on muscle fat infiltration and its relationship with circulating blood biomarkers for older adults
Prof. dr. Aivaras Ratkevičius
Effects of medium-chain fatty acids on metabolic health and muscle function during weight rebound after interruption of semaglutide treatment or caloric restriction in mice
Doc. dr.  Rima Solianik Adaptive responses in humans during a brief repetitive acute cold stimulus, and its effect on health-related indicators and cognition
Prof. dr. Gal Ziv The Effects of Various Learning Strategies on Golf Club Kinematics and Biomechanical Mechanisms Related to Skill Acquisition in Golf

State not funded Biology topics 2024 (the list is in alphabetical order)

Supervisor Topic
Prof. dr. Javier Jerez-Roig Effects of an eHealth solution on activity patterns among people aged 50 and over: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
Prof. dr. Aija Klavina The effect of aerobic exercise on physical health  and quality of life of breast cancer survivors (Occupied)
Doc.dr. Mantas Mickevičius Implications for hamstring injury prevention: high-velocity and combined high-velocity and eccentric exercise strategies in young athletes
Prof. dr. Kwok Ng Physical activity levels among children with disabilities in general schools
Prof. dr. Tomas Venckūnas Factors underlying changes in fitness during adulthood

Chairman – doc. dr. Marius Brazaitis (LSU)


  • prof. dr.  Sigitas Kamandulis (LSU)
  • prof. dr.  Arvydas Stasiulis (LSU)
  • prof. dr. Aivaras Ratkevičius (LSU)
  • prof. dr. Vytautas Streckis (LSU)
  • prof. habil. dr. Jonas  Poderys (LSU)
  • doc. dr.  Dalia Mickevičienė (LSU)
  • doc. dr. Nerijus Masiulis (LSU)
  • doc. dr. Tomas Venckūnas (LSU)
  • prof. dr. Mati Pääsuke (TU)
  • prof. dr. Jaak Jürimäe (TU)
  • doc. dr. Priit Kaasik (TU)
  • doc. dr. Jarek Mäestu (TU)
  • prof. dr. Ööpik Vahur  (TU)


Web page
Scientific Committee
Research areas
Admission procedure 2020
Admission procedure 2017/2018

Tel. +370 690 09866

Joint PhD programme “Sport Science” by the Latvian Academy of Sport Education with the participation of the Lithuanian Sports University, Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw and the University of Tartu

Project of PhD