1934 The sources of Lithuanian Sports University are traced to the historical date, October 10, 1934, when by the decree of President of Lithuania Antanas Smetona the Higher Courses of Physical Education were set up offering a higher education degree. The HCPE were founded with the idea to combine subjects of physical exercises and military training so that the graduates would be able to teach these subjects in gymnasiums.
1938 The HCPE were closed in 1938 and their function was taken by the Department of Physical Education established at Vytautas Magnus University.
1945 As an independent institution, Lithuanian State Institute of Physical Education was founded on November 3, 1945. In the first year, 100 students have been enrolled at the Institute.
1999 On May 8, 1999, by the resolution of the Parliament of Lithuania (Seimas) the Institute was renamed into Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education.
2012 The Academy was renamed into Lithuanian Sports University.2014The University celebrates its 80th Anniversary.
2019 The University celebrates its 85th Anniversary
2022 The University celebrates its 88th birthday which became motivated to create campaign “LSU 88, Infinity Sport” and reflect the importance of sport to the University and it’s community.