The subscribed and tested databases are available
- on LSU computer network (connecting via the links in the table below with no passwords needed)
- from computers not connected to LSU computer network using the remote access EZproxy .
Tested Databases
Scopus and Scopus AI (until 2025.02.16)
Oxford Handbooks Online (until 2025.02.04)
New! eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost) (until 2025.12.31)
Remote access EZproxy
ProQuest RefWorks (until 2025-12-31)
Create an account via institutional email.
EBSCO Publishing (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
The list of available full-text journals.
SAGE Journals online (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Science Direct : Freedom Collection (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
SPORTDiscus with Full Text (EBSCO Publishing) (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
The list of available full-text journals.
Springer Journals (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
The list of available full-text journals.
Taylor & Francis Journals (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
The list of available full-text journals.
Visible Body Web Suite (until 2025.12.30)
Remote access EZproxy
Using LSU email, you can create a personal account on the LSU network.
Tutorial Videos:
Electronic Books
Human Kinetics eBooks (EBSCO Publishing eBook Collection)
Remote access EZproxy
Access is unlimited (10 books).
The list of eBooks Collection.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Remote access EZproxy
Access is unlimited.
The list of eBook Collection.
eBooks on Ovid
Remote access EZproxy
Access is unlimited (2 books).
Science Direct : eBooks Collection (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Taylor & Francis eBooks
Remote access EZproxy
Acces is unlimited (56 books).
The list of eBooks Collection.
Electronic Journals
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (until 2025.12.31)
Remote access EZproxy
Strength & Conditioning Journal (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Journal of Applied Physiology (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Available full text archive from 1949 .
Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Available full text archive from 2004.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (until 2025-12-31)
Remote access EZproxy
Available full text archive from 2000.
Only the members of the LSU community shall be given passwords for remote access. Database information shall be used for scientific, education, and self-education purposes. The users shall not:
- transfer the login data or give access to other persons;
- use the information for commercial purposes;
- copy very big amounts of information.
For more information, contact the Reading Room (Library, 3rd floor), tel. +370 690 09937,