Publications database (lists, reports)
To view your publications, download statistical reports, print lists of publications, log in to eLABa PDB; here, the publication reports also include the Scopus database indicators.
LSU staff and students log in the same way as they log in to the university computers and Information System.
LSU research publications are registered at the Acquisition and cataloging group (2nd floor, room 202).
For more information, please e-mail or phone +370 690 09933.
Open Access
Open Access (OA) is free and unrestricted online access to scientific publications, research data, and other published and unpublished high-quality peer-reviewed research material, which can be freely read, copied, and subjected to automated content analysis by any user, without infringing copyright.
The implementation of Open Access ensures the dissemination of research results and scientific knowledge, promotes greater collaboration between researchers, reduces the number of potentially identical and uncoordinated studies, increases the reliability of research results, the transparent generation and maintenance of data, fosters academic ethics, facilitates interaction between science and business, science and policy makers, and social partners, and creates conditions for greater socio-economic returns from research results.
Lithuanian Sports University supports the European Union’s policy of Open Access to the results of scientific research obtained with public funds and the possibility for users to obtain them without any financial, technical or legal restrictions. The Lithuanian Sports University Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Data (available in Lithuanian) are based on the Research Council of Lithuania.
The Open Access Guidelines of the Lithuanian Sports University were registered in November 2020 in ROARMAP, a Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies for universities, research institutes, and funding institutions from around the world.
Useful links
- List of international publications included in the CLARIVATE ANALYTICS databases
- Discounted Article Processing Charges for Lithuanian researchers to publish in SAGE
- Open Access journals from Taylor & Francis and other publishers. Full list of journals
- Description of the procedure for uploading LSU documents to the eLABa IS repository is available in Lithuanian