Erasmus+ Call

1. Erasmus+ Call for applications to study or have an internship in Erasmus+ Partner countries and Partners outside EU.

2. Please fill the application in the LSU information system (choose EN) (

Application for Erasmus+ studies (461) until 27.09.2024

Application for Erasmus+ traineeship (460) until 27.09.2024

Application for Erasmus+ mobility (PhD students) (457) until 27.09.2024

Please add a cover letter.

3. Selection criteria:

  1. Language skills (level not less than B1)
  2. Relevance of receiving institution for internship
  3. Academic performance (average of the last two semesters)
  4. Motivation
  5. Self-sufficiency
  6. Participation in the mentorship or other social activities

4. A list of the University Partners: Erasmus+ Partners and Partners outside EU

Please check the Application deadline at the receiving institution.

5. Erasmus+ grant

Country groups Host country Studies




Group 1 Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,  Sweden, United Kingdom 674 824
Group 2 Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia,Slovenia, Spain 674 824
Group 3 Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey 606 756
Partners outside EU  Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, USA (additional travel grant depending on the country) 700 700

In case of the short-term mobility of 5 to 30 days (e.g. blended intensive programme), grant values are as follows:

  • Day 1 to 14: EUR 79 per day
  • Day 15 to 30: EUR 56 per day.

All students can apply for an additional grant of EUR 50 if you choose to travel more than half of the distance to or from your destination by train, coach/bus or carpooling.

Also, travel days (no more 4) will be added to your mobility period. You will have to provide evidence of sustainable travel by submitting tickets/fuel receipts.

„Green Erasmus“: 

Additional grant

1. Students with fewer opportunities on short or long-term mobility are entitled to receive additional individual support:

  • in case of long-term mobility – EUR 250 per full month
  • in case of short-term mobility – EUR 100 (mobility 1-14 days) or EUR 150 (mobility 15-30 days).

Groups of students with fewer opportunities:

  •  Students who are entitled to or receive social benefits under the corresponding law in the person’s country of citizenship. Documents in English: certificate of social assistance received or relevant document(s) from the person’s country of citizenship.
  •  Students with a statutory level of 45 per cent or less of working capacity. Documents in English: disability certificate or certificate from a medical institution.
  •  Students aged 25 years or over who have been placed under guardianship (custody) before reaching the age of adulthood in accordance with the law, or whose parents (or one of the parents) is deceased. Documents in English: death certificates, court or other decisions; certificate from the orphanage.
  •  Students are parents or guardians of a minor child(ren) (up to 7 years old) or a disabled child(ren) up to 14 years old. Documents in English: birth certificate(s) of the child(ren), disability certificate(s).
  •  Refugees who have suffered political repression. Documents in English: decision on granting asylum in Lithuania or permanent residence permit.
  •  Students with health problems, including chronic illnesses, serious illnesses (excluding statutory disabilities). Documents in English: official medical certificate.

2. Inclusion grant for actual costs for students with special needs (physical, mental or health-related conditions). The inclusion grant is intended to cover larger costs that you or your host university may incur during your stay abroad, such as special transport, adapted accommodation, healthcare or similar in the host country. The need for these costs must be supported by medical documentation and confirmed by a doctor’s note clearly stating what and how many services or facilities are required during the mobility abroad. All your receipts of costs will have to be submitted after the mobility. Contact LSU International Relations Office two months before the mobility to apply for this grant.

Please note that the Education Exchanges Support Foundation assesses and decides which costs can be reimbursed.

6. For further information: International Relations Office, room 230, Central building,

Erasmus student charter