Grading System
A ten-point grading scale, with 1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest grade is used for the assessment of examinations, projects, homework, tests and other tasks at the Lithuanian Sports University:
Result |
LSU Grade |
Short description in Lithuanian |
Performance description |
Pass |
10 |
puikiai |
Excellent performance, outstanding knowledge and skills (excellent) |
9 |
labai gerai |
Strong performance, good knowledge and skills (very good) | |
8 |
gerai |
Above the average performance, knowledge and skills (good) | |
7 |
vidutiniškai |
Average performance, knowledge and skills with unessential shortcomings (highly satisfactory) | |
6 |
patenkinamai |
Below average performance, knowledge and skill with substantial shortcomings (satisfactory) | |
5 |
silpnai |
Knowledge and skills meet minimum criteria (sufficient) | |
Fail |
4 |
nepatenkinamai |
Knowledge and skills do not meet minimum criteria/below minimum criteria (insufficient) |
3 |
2 |
1 |