Student Card

Lithuanian Student Identity Card (LSP)

Being a student at the LSU you are also entitled to receive the Lithuanian Student Identity Card (LSP) (‘Lietuvos studento pažymėjimas’). The card is a document that proves your student status in Lithuania and provides you access to the University Library, facilities, academic information system, etc. Thanks to LSP partnership program, the LSP card is also your passport to hundreds of discounts available for students, including public transport, internet access, copying, etc.

Coordinators at the Student Union will help you to obtain your LSP. The production of LSP may take about 2-3 weeks.

For more information:

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted, UNESCO endorsed proof of bona fide student status. An ISIC card is valid in Lithuania. This card enables you to get a discount of 10 to 50% in Youth hostels, museums, cinemas, etc

For more information: