Sports and Tourism management

Leader Professor Dr.Vilija Fominienė

In the light of the global trends in various industries, the scale of development of sport and related industries, including tourism, calls for a constant evidence-based change of approach in the application of various management theories, strategies, models and procedures. The social nature of sport, its multidimensional nature, scarcity of resources, the global context and the relationship between sport and tourism add importance to the issue. Therefore, the main objective of this strategic research area is to produce sport and tourism management research results that will assist in making recommendations on the improvement of sport/tourism management systems and operations management in order to improve public health and well-being in the long term.

This strategic research area will involve three groups of researchers, who will analyse relevant topics in today’ sport and tourism management by developing a sport and active leisure-oriented managerial approach and applying different research methods.

Research group Sports Management and Entrepreneurship will focus on the following topics: good governance in sport, including strategic management of sport organisations, innovation, entrepreneurship, sports tourism and volunteering in sports events. In addition to these topics, the dual career of athletes and image building including social media will be studied.

Research group Sports and Tourism Business Development will address scientific and practical issues of business development and transformation to ensure sustainable business development (economic, social and environmental dimensions), business competitiveness and innovation, and greater added value of services and events through quality enhancement. These topics are linked to the constant changes and crises in the development of sport and tourism businesses, which pose major challenges and, at the same time, create ample opportunities for the application of various business development technologies, such as virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain technology, etc.

In response to emerging social issues in sport and tourism organisations and their specific operations, research group Social Challenges in Human Resource Management will analyse various social and relational issues from human resource management aspect and will look for managerial solutions to various social problems in these sectors at the individual, group and organisational levels.

Research groups will collaborate with researchers from foreign institutions in Ukraine, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Italy, etc.


SPORTS MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Leader professor dr. Irena Valantinė)

Name and surname of the researcher Position, department Scientific degree and pedagogical title
Irena Valantinė Professor, DST Professor Dr.
Inga Staškevičiūtė Butienė Associate Professor, DST Associate Professor Dr.
Rimantas Mikalauskas Associate Professor, DST Associate Professor Dr.
Silvija Baubonytė Assistant, DST PhD student
Edvinas Eimontas Assistant, DST PhD student
Karolina Deliautaitė Assistant, DST PhD student
Radenko Matič Associate Professor, Novi Sad University, Serbija Associate Professor Dr.

SPORTS IR TOURISM BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (Leader professor dr. Edmundas Jasinskas)

Name and surname of the researcher Position, department Scientific degree and pedagogical title
Edmundas Jasinskas Professor, DST Professor Dr.
Dalia Štreimikienė Senior researcher, ISSI Professor Dr.
Biruta Švagždienė Professor, DST Professor Dr.
Artūras Simanavičius Associate Professor, DST Dr.
Antanas Ūsas Lecturer, DST Dr.
Paulina Palujanskienė PhD student, DST PhD student


Name and surname of the researcher Position, department Scientific degree and pedagogical title
Vilija Fominienė Professor, DST Professor Dr.
Regina Andriukaitienė Lecturer, DST Dr.
Regina Navickienė Lecturer, DST Dr.
Kristina Mejerytė-Narkevičienė Lecturer DST
Gintarė Jaciūnė PhD student, DST K PhD student
Edgaras Stankevičius PhD student, DST PhD student

Abbreviations: ISSI – Institute of Sports Science and Innovation; DST – Department of Sports and Tourism