Right to appeal

Decision about academic recognition of foreign qualifications will be made after the completion of assessment of educational documents, but not later than 1 month.

The applicant will be informed in writing of the decision made regarding the recognition of his/her education in the LSU online system.

If an applicant does not agree with decision made by the University on the recognition of qualification, he/she has a right to appeal to the Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications Concerning Higher Education Appeal Committee under the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education.

A signed appeal must be submitted within 14 days from the receipt of the final decision of the University. The appeal must be addressed to the Committee and include personal data (name and surname of person who presents appeal, living address, contact e-mail and phone), a valid form of identification, an explanation as to why the decision is contested and all the supporting documentation.

The appeal will be investigated within 30 days from the appeal application and all the necessary documentation related to it are received.

Contacts of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education:

Tel: +370 5 210 4772

Email: recognition@skvc.lt

More info: https://www.skvc.lt/default/en/60/recognition_lithuania