Automatic recognition

Automatic recognition is the right for holders of a foreign qualification to be considered for access to further study at the next level without having to go through a separate recognition procedure.

The following qualifications are recognized automatically in Lithuania:

  1. European Baccalaureate Diploma

Holders of the European Baccalaureate diploma awarded by a European School, or a school accredited by the Board of Governors of the intergovernmental organization have the same rights as holders of Lithuanian brandos atestatas and gain access to study in Lithuanian sport university without any additional requirements and/or procedures. Additional information on the diploma and the European schools is available at: .

  1. Estonian and Latvian qualifications concerning higher education awarded from 2019:

Automatic recognition of Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian qualifications concerning higher education awarded from 2019 is regulated by the Agreement Among the Government of the Republic of Estonia, the Government of the Republic of Latvia, and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Automatic Academic Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education.

The agreement provisions that the qualifications listed in the table of comparability below are automatically considered comparable to a Lithuanian qualification placed on the same level without any additional procedures.

European Qualifica-tions Frame-work level Republic of Estonia Republic of Latvia Republic of Lithuania
Qualification Estonian Qualifi-cations Frame-work level Qualification Latvian Qualifi-cations Frame-work level Qualification Lithuanian Qualifi-cations Framework level
4 Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus,

Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus



4 Atestāts par vispārējo vidējo izglītību,

Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību

4 Brandos atestatas 4
6 Rakenduskõrghariduse diplom 6  Profesionālā bakalaura diploms un augstākās profesionālās kvalifikācijas diploms 6 Profesinis bakalauras 6
6 Bakalaureus 6  

Bakalaura diploms

6 Bakalauras 6
7 Magister,






Tehnikateaduse magister,

Haridusteaduse magister

7 Maģistra diploms,

Profesionālā maģistra diploms,

Profesionālās augstākās izglītības diploms un augstākās profesionālās kvalifikācijas diploms (ārsta, zobārsta, farmaceita un veterinārārsta profesionālā kvalifikācija)

7 Magistras



8 Doktor 8 Doktora diploms 8 Mokslo daktaras,

Meno daktaras


Qualifications awarded before 2019 and/or qualifications not listed in the table are subject to the regular recognition procedure.

Provisions regarding automatic academic recognition only apply to quality assured higher education qualifications. This means that the awarding institution and/or the program, which led to the award of the qualification, had to be properly accredited and/or recognized.

Information on accredited and/or recognized higher education institutions and programs:


List of recognized higher education institutions and accredited study programs:

Qualification framework:


List of recognized higher education institutions and accredited study programs:

Database of qualifications:

Automatic recognition does not guarantee admission to a study program, only eligibility to be considered for it.