8th International Week

You are cordially invited to take part in the 8th International Week which will be held on April 7–11, 2025 at the Lithuanian Sports University (LSU), Kaunas, Lithuania.

The 8th edition of the International Week is open to the academic staff from all our partner institutions who are interested to share their knowledge, expertise and experience through lectures, seminars and/or practical sessions in the following thematic areas:

·         Adapted physical activity
·         Health-enhancing physical activity
·         Exercise and sport nutrition
·         Occupational health
·         Physiotherapy
·         Physical education
·         Sports coaching
·         Sport and exercise physiology
·         Sport managament
·         Strength and conditioning
·         Tourism and leisure studies
·         Other disciplines related to sport science

Since the 1st International Week held in 2014, this annual event has become a part of the LSU “Internationalisation at home” policy aiming to bring an international dimension to its undergraduate and graduate students by welcoming highly competent scholars, teachers and practitioners from different partner institutions across Europe and beyond.

During the International Week, incoming teachers will be assigned to give lectures and/or lead seminars/workshops and practical sessions for students from different LSU study programmes based on their offered teaching topics.

The International Week will also serve as a platform to meet colleagues from other academic institutions for sharing good practice, learning and getting inspired by each other, and building new partnership networks for future collaboration.

Along the teaching programme, the IW will offer a variety of social activities, including:

  • individual meetings with representatives of the academic departments
  • guided Kaunas city tour,
  • tasting traditional Lithuanian cuisine,
  • sports activities at the LSU campus
  • and much more…


Participation in the event is free of charge. However, all participants are expected to cover their travel, accommodation and living expenses from the Erasmus staff mobility for teaching grant or other funds.

Maximum number of participants:
30 participants (max. 2 participants per partner institution).

The working / instruction language is English.
The recommended language of instruction level for incoming teachers is B2 (CERF).

Please apply for the International Week by completing the registration form.

The deadline for registration is January 20, 2025.

For contacts:
Mr. Tomas Kukenys
International Relations Office
tomas.kukenys@lsu.lt or erasmus@lsu.lt
Phone: +370 690 09921

Photo Gallery from previous IW events: