Training section for dual career athletes

Welcome to the online platform training section! In this section you will find videos with some tips on how to use the following social media: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, twitter and LinkedIn to increase the visibility of the student-athlete dual-career. Moreover, you will find some interesting events that are celebrated in the different countries, related to student-athlete dual-career. We hope you enjoy that section!

How to use social media to promote dual career?

In this sub-section you will find three videos with tips on how to use the following social media: (1) Facebook, (2) Instagram, (3) TikTok, twitter and (3) LinkedIn to increase the visibility of the student-athlete dual-career. It is not only the use of social media, but the way they are used that will help you gain visibility for your dual career. Let´s improve the skills to use social media.






What is dual career about?

“Dual careers” in sport encapsulates the requirement for athletes to successfully initiate, develop and finalise an elite sporting career as part of a lifelong career, in combination with the pursuit of education and/or work as well as other domains which are of importance at different stages of life, such as taking up a role in society, ensuring a satisfactory income, developing an identity and a partner relationship“ (EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes, 2012).

So a dual career of an athlete is not just about studies, it is about the ability to create a full, balanced and quality life after a sports career.  The main issues that are addressed in the field of dual careers are the combination of studies / work with an active sports career, self-knowledge, transfer of skills acquired in sport to other areas of life.

Conferences or interesting events

Finally, in this sub-section you can find different events or conferences on student-athlete dual-careers that will take place soon in the different European countries that are part of this project. We hope they will be of interest to you.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
06. February 2021 Deutsche Sporthilfe

[German sports aid]

Germany Wiesbaden Ball des Sports

[Festival of Sports]

Native language English language
Der traditionsreiche “Ball des Sports” gilt als Europas erfolgreichste Benefiz-Veranstaltung im Sport. In den vergangenen Jahren kamen regelmäßig rund 2.000 Gäste – ein Who is Who mit hochrangigen Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Sport, Politik und Gesellschaft – in das RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden. Mit beeindruckenden Shows, einer einzigartigen Tombola und mitreißenden Mitternachts-Acts steht der Abend ganz im Zeichen der Spitzensportler und der Athletenförderung. The traditional “Festival of Sports” is considered to be Europe’s most successful charity event in sport. In recent years, around 2,000 guests – a Who is Who with high-ranking personalities from business, sport, politics and society – regularly came to the RheinMain CongressCenter in Wiesbaden. With impressive shows, a unique tombola and rousing midnight acts, the evening is all about top athletes and the promotion of athletes.
Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
29. January 2021 Sportstiftung NRW

[Sports Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia]

Germany Düsseldorf Captains Day: Begegnung zwischen Spitzensport und Wirtschaft

[Captains Day: Meeting between elite sport and business]

Native language English language
Seit 2011 veranstaltet die Sportstiftung NRW den bundesweit einzigartigen Captains Day auf der Messe „boot“ in Düsseldorf. Es handelt sich um ein jährliches Netzwerktreffen kombiniert mit einer Sportlerbörse.


Since 2011, the Sports Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia has been organising the nationwide unique Captains Day at the “boot” (a trade fair for boats) in Düsseldorf. It is an annual network meeting combined with an athlete’s exchange.



Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
tbd. Sportstiftung NRW

[Sports Foundation North Rhine-Westphalia]

Germany Heide-Rosendahl-Cup1
Native language English language
Beim Sport geht so manches besser – zum Beispiel Kontakt aufnehmen und aufeinander zugehen. Daher nutzen Wirtschaftsvertreter, Sportverantwortliche und Athleten seit 2012 den Heide-Rosendahl-Cup im Golfclub Mettmann, um sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen und zu vernetzen.


In sport, many things are better – for example, contacting each other and approaching each other. This is why business representatives, sports managers and athletes have been using the Heide-Rosendahl-Cup at the golf club of the city of Mettmann since 2012 to get to know and network each other.

1 Heide Ecker-Rosendahl is a former German track and field athlete and former world record holder in long jump and pentathlon.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
tbd. Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe

[German Sport Aid Foundation]

Germany Sporthilfe Elite Forum

[Sport Aid Elite Panel]

Native language English language
Beim Sporthilfe Elite-Forum erleben geförderte Spitzenathleten in exklusivem Rahmen einen intensiven Austausch mit Gesprächspartnern aus verschiedensten Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. Sie treffen auf Menschen, die die Idee der „Dualen Karriere“ und der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung junger Sportler mit ihrem Namen und ihrer beruflichen und menschlichen Erfahrung befördern.


At the ‘Sporthilfe Elite-Forum’, sponsored top athletes experience an intensive exchange with interlocutors from various areas of social life in an exclusive setting. They meet people who promote the idea of a “dual career” and the personal development of young athletes with their name and their professional and human experience.



Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
December 2020 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport & EUSA Institute Slovenia Ljubljana


Empatia seminar
Native language English language


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
July 2021 EUSA, European Universities Games 2021, University of Belgrade Serbia Belgrade Rectors’ Conference
Native language English language


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
September 2021 EAS & local hosts Portugal or Slovenia Lisbon or Ljubljana EAS Conference
Native language English language




Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
17/10/2020 National Athletes Association Lithuania Vilnius NSA Forum
Native language English language




Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
22/10/2020 LITHUANIAN NATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE Lithuania Online LTeam Conference
Native language English language




Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
Nov or Dec 2021 Lithuanian Sports University Lithuania Kaunas or Vilnius Sport Forum
Link Under preparation (Annual event)
Native language English language




Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
October 2021 SISMES Italy Milan Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Movement and Sports Sciences
Native language (Italian) English language
La conferenza annuale della Società Italiana delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) ha il compito di favorire la condivisione e divulgazione dell’attività scientifica su temi di specifico interesse sportivo.


The annual conference of the Italian Society of Motor and Sports Sciences (SISMES) has the task of promoting the sharing and dissemination of the scientific activity of specific sport interest.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
Academic Year Sapienza University of Rome Italy rome PHD Seminars
Native language English language
l Dottorato di ricerca in Storia dell’Europa ha nel suo statuto l’analisi delle singole culture nazionali considerate anche nella loro interazione e proiezione al di là del continente. Con metodologia segnatamente interdisciplinare dedica largo spazio a tematiche relative alla politica, all’economia, alla storia sociale nel percorso diacronico in cui vengono individuati avvenimenti-chiave che segnano le scansioni della modernizzazione posta in essere fra età moderna e contemporanea, pure con significative differenze fra i paesi europei.


The Research Doctorate in History of Europe has in its statute the analysis of individual national cultures also considered in their interaction and projection beyond the continent. With a particularly interdisciplinary methodology, he dedicates ample space to issues relating to politics, economics, social history in the diachronic process in which key events are identified that mark the scans of modernization implemented between the modern and contemporary ages, albeit with significant differences between European countries.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
7th May 2019 Consejo Superior de Deportes and PROAD Spain Murcia


Jornadas sobre concienciación de la Carrera Dual en el Deporte de Alto Nivel
8th May 2019
Native language English language
Las jornadas constan de tres charlas, la primera dirigida a entrenadores, profesores, orientadores… que trabajan con deportistas DAN y DAR sobre la repercusión de la Carrera Dual en estos, la segunda centra la carrera dual en la realidad del día a día de los deportistas y la última charla trata la retirada deportiva y la implicación clave de la Carrera Dual en este periodo final.




The conference consists of three talks, the first aimed at coaches, teachers, counselors … working with athletes DAN and DAR on the impact of Dual Career in these, the second focuses on the dual career in the reality of the daily lives of athletes and the last talk deals with the withdrawal of sports and the key involvement of Dual Career in this final period.
Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
To be determined Palco 23 Spain Online Sport Business Meeting
Native language English language
Es un encuentro organizado por FAGDE que reune a expertos y directivos de la industria del deporte. En esta ocasión, el lema del evento ‘Show must go on: el espectáculo del deporte después del Covid-19’. En Sport Business Meeting se analizará la nueva etapa a la que se enfrenta en el deporte, en la cual debe reinventarse para mantener su esencia como un espectáculo de masas y pasiones y como una opción de entretenimiento saludable para los que lo practican.




It is a meeting organised by the digital newspaper Palco 23 that brings together experts and managers from the sports industry. On this occasion, the event’s slogan ‘Show must go on: the sport show after Covid-19’. In Sport Business Meeting will be analyzed the new stage that faces in the sport, in which it must be reinvented to maintain its essence as a show of masses and passions and as an option of healthy entertainment for those who practice it




Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
FAGDE Spain (Madrid) Online

III Congreso Estatal Mujeres y Deporte


Native language English language
Es un encuentro organizado por FAGDE que reúne a deportistas de alto nivel y otras mujeres implicadas en el deporte. El objetivo de este evento es recabar el testimonio de primer mano de deportistas de elite, que han sufrido y sufren aún hoy en día las consecuencias de la desigualdad en el ámbito del deporte. Además, se buscan medidas para acabar con dicha desigualdad.




It is a meeting organized by FAGDE which brings together top-level sportsmen and women and other women involved in sport. The aim of this event is to gather first-hand testimony from elite sportspeople, who have suffered and still suffer today from the consequences of inequality in the field of sport. It also seeks measures to end this inequality.




Organizers Country Location Name of the event
Oct 15th -16th Italian Universities in cooperation Italy Narni (PG) Festival della SOciologia
Native language (Italian) English language
Il tema dell’edizione 2020. L’osservazione della società rivela una difficoltà dell’essere umano ad abitare generativamente la contingenza illimitata e imprevedibile dell’esistenza. L’apertura alla vita, nel suo intensificarsi di pulsioni, sentimenti ed emozioni, è particolarmente visibile nelle metropoli, dove gli stili di vita e la moltiplicazione degli scambi comunicativi esprime nuove forme di disagio e persino di rifiuto di un’autentica socialità.

L’epidemia mondiale del Covid-19, arrivata in modo inaspettato e all’improvviso, si è estesa ovunque acuendo in maniera gigantesca questa difficoltà profonda dello stare insieme e incrinando le strutture su cui ha poggiato l’organizzazione sociale fino a oggi. Nelle città globali ogni spazio vitale ha subìto un arresto immediato del funzionamento a cui era abituato. Ogni gesto e ogni azione sociale ha ormai cambiato significato e fa i conti con la paura e l’angoscia della malattia. In Italia e nel mondo, il contagio dell’epidemia ha imposto e obbligato un processo di “distanziamento sociale” che, lungi dall’essere un neologismo entrato di prepotenza nel senso comune e con cui la sociologia è chiamata a confrontarsi, lascia tuttavia intravedere nuovi modi di riunirsi e di agire collettivamente.

Per oltrepassare la paura della solitudine e la tentazione all’individualismo e all’autosufficienza, ma anche per far fronte alle sfide in termini politici ed economici che il periodo “post epidemia” implica, le Scienze sociali sono chiamate a interrogarsi sul funzionamento della “società” come risorsa vitale per ripensare la dimensione culturale delle biografie individuali e collettive all’interno dello spazio pubblico e all’indomani della crisi sanitaria. In questo orizzonte di senso si inserisce il tema, “Seduzione e città globale. Rifare la società dopo il Covid-19”, che verrà trattato a Narni il 15 e il 16 ottobre nel Festival della Sociologia 2020.

Il tema dell’edizione 2020. L’osservazione della società rivela una difficoltà

dell’essere umano ad abitare generativamente la contingenza illimitata e imprevedibile

dell’esistenza. L’apertura alla vita, nel suo intensificarsi di pulsioni, sentimenti ed

emozioni, è particolarmente visibile nelle metropoli, dove gli stili di vita e la

moltiplicazione degli scambi comunicativi esprime nuove forme di disagio e persino di

rifiuto di un’autentica socialità.

L’epidemia mondiale del Covid-19, arrivata in modo inaspettato e

all’improvviso, si è estesa ovunque acuendo in maniera gigantesca questa difficoltà

profonda dello stare insieme e incrinando le strutture su cui ha poggiato l’organizzazione

sociale fino a oggi. Nelle città globali ogni spazio vitale ha subìto un arresto immediato

del funzionamento a cui era abituato. Ogni gesto e ogni azione sociale ha ormai cambiato

significato e fa i conti con la paura e l’angoscia della malattia. In Italia e nel mondo, il

contagio dell’epidemia ha imposto e obbligato un processo di “distanziamento sociale”

che, lungi dall’essere un neologismo entrato di prepotenza nel senso comune e con cui la

sociologia è chiamata a confrontarsi, lascia tuttavia intravedere nuovi modi di riunirsi e di

agire collettivamente.

Per oltrepassare la paura della solitudine e la tentazione all’individualismo e

all’autosufficienza, ma anche per far fronte alle sfide in termini politici ed economici che

il periodo “post epidemia” implica, le Scienze sociali sono chiamate a interrogarsi sul

funzionamento della “società” come risorsa vitale per ripensare la dimensione culturale

delle biografie individuali e collettive all’interno dello spazio pubblico e all’indomani

della crisi sanitaria. In questo orizzonte di senso si inserisce il tema, “Seduzione e città

globale. Rifare la società dopo il Covid-19”, che verrà trattato a Narni il 15 e il 16 ottobre

nel Festival della Sociologia 2020.


The theme of the 2020 edition.

The observation of society reveals a difficulty of the human being to inhabit in a productive way the unlimited and unpredictable contingency of existence. The openness to life, in its intensification of drives, feelings and emotions, is particularly visible in the metropolis, where lifestyles and the multiplication of communicative exchanges express new forms of unease and even rejection of an authentic sociality.

The global pandemic of Covid-19, which occurred unexpectedly and suddenly, has spread worldwide, exacerbating in a colossal way this profound difficulty of being together and cracking the structures on which social organization has rested until today. In global cities, every living space has suffered an immediate halt to the functioning to which it was accustomed. Every gesture and every social action has now changed its meaning and comes to terms with the fear and anguish of illness. In Italy and throughout the world, the contagion of the epidemic has imposed and forced a process of “social distancing” which, far from being a neologism that has become overbearing in the common sense and with which sociology is called upon to confront itself, nevertheless allows us to glimpse new ways of coming together and acting collectively. To overcome the fear of loneliness and the temptation to individualism and self-sufficiency, but also to face the challenges in political and economic terms that the “post-epidemic” period implies, the Social Sciences are called upon to question the functioning of “society” as a vital resource to rethink the cultural dimension of individual and collective biographies within the public space and in the aftermath of the health crisis. The theme, “Seduction and global city. Rebuilding society after Covid-19 “, will be discussed in Narni on 15 and 16 October in the Festival of Sociology 2020.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
October 2021 SISMES Italy Milan Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Movement and Sports Sciences
Native language (Italian) English language
La conferenza annuale della Società Italiana delle Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMES) ha il compito di favorire la condivisione e divulgazione dell’attività scientifica su temi di specifico interesse sportivo.


The annual conference of the Italian Society of Motor and Sports Sciences (SISMES) has the task of promoting the sharing and dissemination of the scientific activity of specific sport interest.


Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
Academic Year Sapienza University of Rome Italy rome PHD Seminars
Native language English language
l Dottorato di ricerca in Storia dell’Europa ha nel suo statuto l’analisi delle singole culture nazionali considerate anche nella loro interazione e proiezione al di là del continente. Con metodologia segnatamente interdisciplinare dedica largo spazio a tematiche relative alla politica, all’economia, alla storia sociale nel percorso diacronico in cui vengono individuati avvenimenti-chiave che segnano le scansioni della modernizzazione posta in essere fra età moderna e contemporanea, pure con significative differenze fra i paesi europei.


The Research Doctorate in History of Europe has in its statute the analysis of individual national cultures also considered in their interaction and projection beyond the continent. With a particularly interdisciplinary methodology, he dedicates ample space to issues relating to politics, economics, social history in the diachronic process in which key events are identified that mark the scans of modernization implemented between the modern and contemporary ages, albeit with significant differences between European countries.
Date Organizers Country Location Name of the event
Academic Years 2020-2021/ 2021-2022 Foro Italico University Italy Rome Classes (Gosal, Sport Managers)
Native language English language
Le lezioni sono organizzate per allenatori di alto livello e dirigenti sportivi. L’argomento sarà “come implementare l’immagine degli studenti-atleti”


The classes are organized for high-level coaches and sport managers. The topic will be “how to implement the image of student-athletes”


Online platform