The International Summer School will be hosted at the University
The Outdoor Sports and Recreation Education Summer School (OSRESS) 2024 will be held from August 19 to 23 at the Lithuanian Sports University. The main idea of this project was born in 2010 when awareness was raised about the importance of non-formal learning and its potential for development. This project emphasizes that education can and should be focused on learning by doing, taking good experiences from each other and learning to be physically active outdoors or in nature.
The first summer school was held in the Latvian town of Madona in 2010 and since then, it has been taking place in different countries. This international project involves a number European universities, such as the Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Lithuanian University of Sport, Lomza State University of Applied Sciences, Malaga University, Vilnius University, Klaipėda University, Verona University, and others.
The University scientists and all others who would like to hear interesting presentations are invited to the project conference which will be held next Tuesday, August 20th, at 09:00 in the LSU Central Building, auditorium 232.
Conference presentations:
Recovery Strategies to Improve the Performance of Martial Arts Athletes. B.Boobani, J.Grants, A.Litwiniuk (Latvia, Poland).
The impact of innovative integrated recreational physical activity intervention on the cognitive abilities, sleep quality and self-efficacy of sport educators. J.Grants, A.Fernāte, Ž.Vazne, K. Volgemute, V.Veliks, D.Talents, E.Antapsone, V.Šteinmane (Latvia);
Development of an innovative technological solution of telemedicine for the prevention, early diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of sarcopenia. G. Bochiccio, L. Ferrari, A. Bottari, S. Pogliaghi (Italy);
Latvian Academy of Sport Education is in the process of consolidation with Rigas Stradins University. K. Ciekurs, J. Grants, I. Kravalos, I. Bula-Biteniece, I.Smukā, B. Boobani (Latvia);
Physical activity of grandchildren in the opinion of grandparents. K. Piech, P. Kalicka (Poland);
University activities in the context of physical education in the current condition of wartime O. Kuvaldina (Ukraine);
Mindfulness in physical activity: how to incorporate more joyful exercise in your life? A. Šidlauskienė (Lietuva);
Exploring Personality Traits in Athletes A. Kļonova, K. Volgemute, G. Ulme, A. Ābele, R. Līcis, R. Laviņš, P.R. Brustio, V. Perepjolkina, A. Onufrijeva, E. Grants (Latvia, Italy).