Representatives of LSU have come back from an internship in Norway

Vida Janina Česnaitienė and Brigita Miežienė, lecturers at Lithuanian Sports University, have come back from an internship in the University College of Southeast Norway. The representatives of LSU are involved in an international project “Modernisation of Pre-school and Primary Education Content and Teachers' Professional Development through Introduction of Physical Fitness Testing Methodology”. Project promoters carried out a research on physical fitness of Lithuanian pre-school and primary school pupils. Together with the experts of physical fitness assessment methodology Prof. Dr. Ingunn Fjørtoft and Dr. Lise, LSU lecturers performed validation and adaptation procedures for physical fitness assessment methodology and an analysis of the research findings, which will be published in international scientific journals. During the internship, several chapters of a research article were prepared, calculations performed and guidelines for two more scientific articles established.

Based on the research results, a training programme for pre-school and primary school teachers will be developed in order to introduce physical fitness testing methodology for pre-school and primary school pupils. Project promoters are going to launch training courses for teachers in August. 1,200 pre-school and primary school teachers from 60 municipalities are attending the seminars.

The project “Modernisation of Pre-school and Primary Education Content and Teachers' Professional Development through Introduction of Physical Fitness Testing Methodology” is implemented under the LT08 “EEA Scholarship Programme” and is funded by the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania is the programme operator, while a part of the operator functions is carried out by the Central Project Management Agency. The project is implemented by Lithuanian Sports University in partnership with the University College of Southeast Norway.


Information provided by project promoters