Psychological Aspects of Healthy Lifestyle presented by lecturer from Leipzig university

An invited lecturer Nadja Walter (PhD) from Leipzig university in Germany had an intensive week with Physical Activity and Lifestyle students of the 2nd year. During the lecture and seminar cycle on the “Healthy Lifestyle: Psychological Aspects of Behavior Change” lecturer had shared evidence-based knowledge and practice in helping people to develop healthy lifestyle skills – from finding the right strategies to instilling the habits. Students had an unique opportunity to participate in a role-play with collegial case counselling. There were meetings and discussions with academic staff of the Department of Health, Physical and Social Education as well as an open lecture for the whole university community on the “dark side of physical activity” such as exercise addiction, injuries, or eating disorders.
The exchange visit evolved as a consequence of the former networking between the guest and LSU associated professor Brigita Miežienė. Looking forward to the prospective collaborations with Nadja Walter as well as Sport and Exercise Psychology Department of Leipzig University in the future.