Professor Goran Sporis (Croatia) visited LSU

 Prof. Goran Sporis (Croatia) visited LSU on 17—21 November. He gave theoretical lectures and conducted seminars on the following topics: “Football player training” (to graduate students), “Physical capacity in sport: physical and physiological characteristics” (to graduate students), “Successful publication of research articles in the journal Kinesiology (ISI Web of Science)” (to graduate and post-graduate students, the University researchers), “Football coaching technology” (to graduate students), and  “Quantitative and qualitative research in sport science” (to graduate and post-graduate students).

  During the last five years, the Professor has purposefully conducted research and published scientific articles in “ISI Web of Science” databases (about 30 publications); 45 scientific articles have been published in journals placed in international databases. Recently Prof. Goran Sporis has worked in close cooperation with the University of West Hungary and the Middlesex University (Great Britain); he has been carrying out international research as well as the analysis of team sports results. The Professor is a co-author of two scientific books. He actively collaborates with the scientists from the University of Ljubljana, the University of Sarajevo and the University of Primorska, performing joint research projects and writing articles. G. Sporis also works for the Croatian Football Federation and carries out football coach training courses.


  The Research Council of Lithuania financed the visit of the researcher to LSU.