LSU students explore NBA market

Lithuanian Sports University continues cooperation with the North American Basketball League (NBA), London Department. Half a year ago four students visited the headquarters of the NBA; this time a joint project is being implemented together with the manager of the league, responsible for NBA video games in Europe. “We have agreed to carry out research in several directions on NBA video games and publicize the results. We have recently conducted an experimental study with the University students and the NBA video game users. Dr. Lina Pilelienė consulted us. One group, consisting of 30 LSU students, watched the NBA competition on television, another group of 30 people played a video game. We aimed to compare and find out the level of effectiveness of the product demonstration via sports event broadcasting and playing a video game. It will answer the problem question where to invest – the television or video game media channels", said Edgaras Abromavičius, a Master degree student of Sports Management at LSU.

The University students are planning to carry out more projects in assistance with the NBA representatives. “Similar studies are being carried out in Asia; it is one of the newest scientific trends in sports management. I am confident that our cooperation with the NBA will continue, as these studies are very relevant in both scientific and practical senses. We will soon present the data of recent research to the heads of the NBA London Department”, said Edgaras Abromavičius.