LSU has created a “LinkedIn” account

We would like to announce that on April 23, 2015, the PR department created a new Lithuanian Sports University’s profile on “LinkedIn” website. Everybody is more than welcome to join our University group! For those who still do not have an account, we recommend to create one. Why?


“LinkedIn” – it is the best way to create your personal brand!

“LinkedIn” – it is the largest professional social network in the world which brings together more than 150 million members from more than 200 countries. The main advantage of this site – easy to keep close relationships with friends and colleagues, make new contacts with influential people, share the most recent information and most importantly, it gives you a huge opportunity to present yourself for the labor market. It is stated that the fifth of the employed people were found through this social network in Lithuania, in 2014.

You can create your own LinkedIn profile by clicking the link below:


…to join Lithuanian Sports University!