Lithuanian Sports University organizes Seminar for Baltic Physical Therapy Clinicians “Kinesiology of the Hip and Shoulder: Establishing Foundations for Physical Therapy Assessment and Treatment“


Lithuanian Sports University organizes

Seminar for Baltic Physical Therapy Clinicians

Kinesiology of the Hip and Shoulder: Establishing Foundations for Physical Therapy Assessment and Treatment“

24 – 25, November, 2016


The international seminar for Physical Therapy Clinicians from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be organized in the frame of BAFF Baltic-American Dialogue Program.


The main topic of the seminar will be Kinesiology. Kinesiology also known as human kinetics is the scientific study of human movement. Kinesiology appears very important for clinical Physical Therapy practice as well as research and it is included in the professional background along with other biomedical sciences.


Seminar Outline:

Seminar for Physical Therapy Clinicians will provide a thorough foundation of the anatomy and kinesiology of the shoulder and hip regions. Understanding the structural and functional interactions in these proximal regions is critical to understanding pathokinesiology and physical therapy interventions. This material is presented primarily in English, through lecture format, enhanced by video fluoroscopy of joint function, cadaveric dissection videos, biomechanical animations, and kinesiologic illustrations from the textbook: Neumann DA: Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Physical Rehabilitation, 2 ed (Elsevier 2010). These illustrations clearly describe the anatomic and mechanical basis for movement, providing the basis of many evaluation and treatments experienced in physical therapy clinics.

The seminar for Physical Therapy is directed to practicing physical therapy clinicians. The focus of this clinical seminar is on the intermediate and advanced concepts of clinical kinesiology. Examples of pathokinesiology will provide effective basis for physical therapy assessment and treatment.


Learning objectives for clinicians:

After this seminar, the physical therapists shall be able to:

1) Describe the structural and functional relationships of the joints and shapes of bones of the shoulder and hip.

2) Explain the biomechanical basis for the action of muscles of the shoulder and hip, incorporating concepts of muscle moment arm, muscle line-of-force relative to an axis of rotation, and muscle cross sectional area.

3) Cite the arthrokinematic pattern at joints described in the shoulder and hip, and understand how this information serves as a basis many manual therapy techniques.

4) Describe the muscular synergies at the shoulder and hip, and how they relate to abnormal posture and movement at adjacent regions, such as thoracic and lumbar spines.

5) Describe the pathomechanics behind several orthopedic and neurologic problems, which give a rationale for treating the upper and lower limbs.




Dr. Donald A. Neumann, PhD, PT, FAPTA received a B.S. degree in physical therapy from the University of Florida. After several years of practice and teaching in the area of rehabilitation of persons with spinal cord injury, Dr. Neumann received a Ph.D. in Exercise Science from the University of Iowa. In 1986, he joined Marquette University where he is currently Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. His primary area of teaching is kinesiology. D.Neumann has received several of the highest awards from American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for teaching, writing, and research. In 2008, Dr. Neumann was named as a Catherine Worthingham Fellow (FAPTA) of the APTA. Dr. Neumann received a Teacher of the Year Award at Marquette University, and was named Wisconsin’s College Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation. Dr. Neumann has received Fulbright Scholarships to teach in Lithuania, Hungary, and Japan. He is the author of Human Kinesiology: Foundations for Rehabilitation, published by Elsevier, 2010 which is published in 7 languages. D.Neumann has also written the chapter “Hip”, published in British Gray’s Anatomy, 41st edition (Elsevier- 2015). D.Neumann is also co-author of Essentials of Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant, Elsevier, 2014, and served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy from 2012-2015.

Dr. D.Neumann has presented over 200 seminars and lectures on clinical kinesiology to physical therapists in the US and other countries. His excellence in international teaching was recognized by his receiving the International Educational Service Award by the World Confederation Physical Therapy (WCPT) in Singapore, 2015. In 2007, Dr. Neumann received an Honorary PhD Degree from the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Kaunas, Lithuania and he is the member of editorial board of the scientific journal of LSU “Rehabilitation sciences: nursing, Physiotherapy, Ergotherapy”.


This program is made possible by funding from the Baltic-American Freedom Foundation (BAFF). For more information about BAFF scholarships and speaker support, visit


Schedule for 24th

Shoulder Kinesiology

9.00 – 10.00                       Registration of the participants

10.00-12.00                        Lecture:  Structure of Joints and Kinematics

12.00 – 13.00                     Lunch

13.00 – 15.00                     Lecture: Muscle and Joint Interaction

15.00 – 15.30                      Coffee break

15.30 – 17.00                     Complete Shoulder material: Introduce Hip Kinesiology lecture


Schedule for 25th

Hip Kinesiology

10.00-12.00                        Lecture: Structure of the Hip (Joint and Ligaments): Introduction to Kinematics

12.00 – 13.00                     Lunch

13.00 – 15.00                     Muscle and Joint Interaction

15.00 – 15.30                      Coffee break

15.30 – 17.00                     Muscle and Joint Interaction; Protecting the Hip from Large forces.



This clinical part of the seminar will be presented in 12 hours, across 2 days.

The price of the seminar – 50 EUR (certificates, course material, lunch included). Registration form is HERE

More information by email:

Venue of the seminar:

Lithuanian Sports University, Sporto 6, LT-44221 Kaunas, Lithuania.