“Internationalisation at Home” made visible in the LSU International Teaching Week 2015

On April 13–17 the University hosted 10 visiting lecturers from Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Turkey and the UK in the 2nd edition of the International Teaching Week (ITW-2015) aimed to bring an international dimension to the LSU undergraduate and graduate curricula.

The visiting scholars and teachers from the LSU partner institutions within the ERASMUS+ programme shared their knowledge and expertise in the subject areas of sports coaching, physical activity and fitness, sports management and physiotherapy. The international teachers gave theoretical lectures on topics like policy issues in the promotion of physical activity and qualitative research in sport and physical activity. They also led practical sessions for students in basketball coaching, fitness (Zumba, Bosu, Aerobics) and physiotherapy. The ITW-2015 was highlighted by the public lecture offered by Dr. Peter Gelius from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) on the upcoming European physical activity for health strategy and the scientific seminar led by Dr. Laura Purdy from Edge Hill University (UK) on the climate of elite/professional sporting environments. As the ITW-2015 coincided with the annual scientific conference “Research and Practice: Problems and Prospects”, Dr. Luis Miguel da Cunha from the University of Lisbon (Portugal) gave a keynote speech in the conference plenary session on challenges and opportunities in the organisation of nautical sports activities. Apart from the intensive teaching sessions, the ITW-2015 participants together with local students and teachers took part in the volleyball tournament “Around the World” and various social activities visiting Kaunas Old Town and Pažaislis Camaldolese Monastery.

“We are really happy that the International Teaching Week is run successfully for the second year. Our aim is to implement the concept of “Internationalisation at Home” at the University by creating opportunities for students to gain international experience and intercultural skills without leaving their Alma Mater. On the other hand, our teachers can establish new contacts with colleagues from our partner institutions. I am especially pleased as I see the continuity of collaboration. For instance, teacher Alex Radu from the University of Worcester (UK) is coming to the Teaching Week for the second time, while Mirka Bednaříková from Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) first came to the LSU several years ago as an Erasmus student and this year she is coming as an Erasmus teacher.” – says Irena Čikotienė, Head of the International Relations Office.