In the ranking of higher education institutions, LSU was appreciated for the competition in the international study area

Journal „Reitingai “has announced the latest evaluation of Lithuanian higher education institutions.  Just like last year, Lithuanian Sports University has been ranked 10th among state higher education institutions. The University has most risen through the ranks in the category “Competition in the International Study Area”. Last year the fifth, LSU has risen to the second place this year. According to „Reitingai“, one of the most revealing sub-criteria of this criterion is the number of foreign students studying the entire study programme of each cycle.

The journal particularly appreciated the second (graduate) and third (doctoral) cycle studies. Journal “Reitingai” has noted that according to the number of foreign students in the graduate studies LSU takes the second (8.9 %) and in doctoral – third (14.8%) places among Lithuanian universities.

„To tell the truth, the percentage of foreign students shows the value of studies and diplomas.  People usually choose the university for their master’s or doctoral studies after having evaluated the cost-quality ratio, as well as the level of science,” states the journal.

This year, the Lithuanian universities were assessed according to 6 criteria: “Science and Arts/ Sports Activities and Achievements of Academic Staff”, “Alumni Added Value”, “Students and Studies”, “Competition in the International Study Area”, “Present and Future Academic Staff, “Students’ Attitude towards Their University”.

LSU offers 8 Bachelor’s and 10 Master’s degree programmes, as well as doctoral studies in Biomedicine and Education. Therefore, prospective students who intend to acquire a bachelor’s degree may apply for Sports Coaching, Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Physical Activity and Public Health, Physical Activity and Lifestyle (only in the English language), Sport Recreation and Tourism (only in the English language) and a new study programme Exercise, Nutrition and Stress Management.

For those who want to deepen their knowledge in master’s degree programmes, LSU offers Sport Education, Sports Coaching, Tourism and Sports Management, Physical Education, Sports Physiology and Genetics, Physical Activity and Public Health, Adapted Physical Activity, Physiotherapy study programmes and two international programmes in English – Performance Analysis of Sport and International Basketball Coaching and Management.