Four Lithuanian higher education institutions established a Consortium

The Consortium was established by four Lithuanian higher education institutions: Vilnius University (VU), Lithuanian Sports University (LSU), Vilnius Academy of Arts (VAA) and Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (LAMT). The agreement was signed by VU Acting Rector Prof. Habil. Dr. Audrius Klimas and LAMT Rector Prof. Zbignevas Ibelhauptas. „The popularity of university consortiums in European countries has grown recently. They are important for progressive and useful partnership among institutions of higher education. We are glad, that our university will participate in the activities of the Consortium and cooperate with higher education leaders in Lithuania‘, said LSU Rector Prof. Habil. Dr. Albertas Skurvydas. 

The higher education institutions will cooperate in the fields of studies, culture, research in science and arts, organize joint doctoral studies, joint study programmes and modules, develop integrated lifelong learning activities, share best practices for securing and improving the quality of higher education.