Title of the project | Gamified and online activities for learning to support player development managers |
Project reference number | 101050403 |
Duration | Start: 01-05-2022 – End: 30-04-2025 |
Project coordinator | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Project partners | European University of Cyprus
Spanish Women Futsal Players Association German Physical Education Teacher Association Lithuanian Sports University Sindicato dos jogadores profissionais de futebol (SJPF) Confederacao portuguesa das associacoes de treinadores Associazione polisportiva dilettanitistica pielle basket (APD) |
Project funding source/
Programme, key action |
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Sport Action Type: Cooperation partnerships |
Project description | GOAL4PDM will exploit the well-established involvement of young people (students, athletes, young scientists) with Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to achieve its main objective.
Project objectives: · To implement a PDM lifelong learning program (LLP) for DC of youngsters and respective learning activities for supporting PDM’s training. · To design and develop digital content, for supporting the deployment of learning activities, through a gamified e-learning platform. This content will be integrated and accessed as a European Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for PDMs embracing a de-centralized model of diversity, open access, equity and quality. The MOOC will become a collaborative community of practice for Coaches in sport academies, Young scientists (students of Physical Education and Sport departments), Physical Education teachers and Former athletes to share, discuss and collaborate information about the development of PDM qualifications. · To design and develop a digital PDM toolbox that will be exploited by the PDMs to support the DC of their athletes/pupils. The PDM toolbox will be in the form of digital interactive content and applications for youngsters (a) to be familiarized with and to be aware about the concept of dual career, (b) to develop their skills (e.g., entrepreneurship, soft skills). · To organize a pan-European “PDM competition” about entrepreneurship in sports. The main target groups of the project are people interested to become PDM and they are: · Coaches in sport academies, · Young scientists (students of Physical Education and Sport departments), · Physical Education teachers · Former athletes GOAL4PDM, will support the “Europe 2020 strategy” that stresses the need for transforming educational content for instruction and training in a way that engages, motivates, and immerses people to develop personal experiences of constructing their learning experiences. Hence it is widely contested in Europe that transferring training content from traditional contexts (e.g. multiple-choice tests, grading system, content transmission) will not discern value to the way education and training is moving forward, but rather it will emulate pedagogical modalities already practiced in conventional settings. In congruence to Europe’s observation in not ushering innovation on how training content and pedagogy is used, this is an occurring problem in the field of physical education promotion and sports. In response, therefore, to the significant difficulty of how to design, develop, implement and share highly interactive, process-based content (see for example ET2020 strategy, Europe’s Opening Up Education7), it is imminent to create such content that permeates personal construction of meaning, activity-based learning meaningful assessment and rapid feedback. |
Contact person for more information | irena.valantine@lsu.lt |
Press release |