MOVE Project “European sports volunteering for health promotion, social inclusion and equality through sport for all”

MOVE Project “European sports volunteering for health promotion, social inclusion and equality through sport for all”
Project number 590825-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-SPO-SCP
Duration 01/01/2018 – 30/06/2021
Project coordinator Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (SPAIN)


Project partners Associazione Italiana Cooperazione Europa Mondo (Italy)

Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)

Centro de Formaçao Dr. Rui Grácio – Agrupamento de Escolas Julio Dantas (Portugal)

English Federation of Disability Sport ( England)

Ministerstvo na Mladezhta i Sporta (Bulgaria)

Municipality Trudovets (Bulgaria)

Lithuanian Sports University (Lithuania)

Universitatea Nationala de Educatie Fizica si Sport din Bucure (Romania)


Project funding source/programme, key action Programme: Erasmus+

Key action: Sport

Action type: Collaborative Partnerships

Project description The Move project aims to promote th intergral health, equaly, social inclusion and improve employability among young European people. To achieve these aims the project members will be using the Sport Volunteering to develop a safe, egalitarian and inclusive physical-sport practice. This is due to the great capacity of this activity to act as generator of health, including intergration, social cohesion and participation. The project will develop a series of intellectual outputs and multiplier sport events to promote sociability and health of the citizenship and new curricula for the new employment niches.

A New profile of Sport Volunteering to act as an agent of social change will take place. To achieve this aim, an European study will be carried out to determine the profile required for the new model of volunteer. Move project seeks a healthier and just Europe where young people become the main agents of change all through physical and sports activities.

Project website
Contact person Irena Cikotiene